Hopelessly in love

The second i met him i fell in love. our parents introduced us. i didnt even remember his name i was too taken by his magical green eyes. i just knew i wouldnt be able to get out off it. i was head over heels. so, the school year started and we kinda talked and stuff. you know, the occasional "hi" and stuff. but then he became "popular" i mean, i'm not saying i'm not popular, but he became the kind of popular where everyone thinks you are bitches(only the girls). of course all the popular girls got all over him, but after awhile they got bored of him and dumped him out of mean populars to nice ones. but it was like he had totally changed. he didnt seem to know i existed. and i tried so hard to fix it, but i couldnt. but by then, i was totally in love with him. somehow he still seemed perfect. Now I cant get enough of him. i love him so much but all i get from him is a glance in the hallway and a slight smile across lunch tables. but i cant get 0ver him. i am in love with him, hopelessly.


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